Matt, Tiffany, and Sloane

How often do you use the Great Highway park?

Pretty much all the time, usually three times per week… When Sloan was out of school we would spend most of the day here.

What activities do you enjoy here?

Skating, walking, biking, going down to the water… Sand sculptures.

Would you like the Great Highway to remain partially or totally closed to vehicles?

I think it’d be great to keep it (closed to vehicles)

What does The Great Highway Park mean to you?

We’ve been so grateful to have it open… You get a little bit of socializing - to be around other people in a way that almost feels normal during this time.

It’s reminded me of why I love this city during a time when the city doesn’t exactly feel like the city. This has confirmed San Francisco as one of the very best places to live.

Sloan: I just like skating here