How often do you use the Great Highway park?
At least once a week. When I was in school, about two or three times a week. We’ve been splitting our time between here and Golden Gate Park.
What activities do you enjoy here?
Mostly walk…
I ordered a couple of sticks, and whenever we take a walk we pick up some trash. It’s nice to kill two birds with one stone… If we’re gonna go for a walk we might as well beautify the neighborhood while we’re at it.
Would you like the Great Highway to remain partially or totally closed to vehicles?
I’ve seen some of the propositions… My favorite one is the one that’s like the highline in New York. I’d love to have some of the Highway turned into some sort of retail corridor. This part of the city has a lack of economic movement. It’s hard to start a business here and be a part of the community.
I’m 100% opposed to cars.
I know a lot of people have been upset with noisy traffic.. I totally understand, we find it annoying too. But I would rather see the economic development and deal with a little bit of noise. It’s what you get when you live in a city.
Sunset, Judah, Noriega and Taraval… we need to rethink the way traffic runs on those streets… Make traffic flow a little better. The intersection up at La Playa & Kirkham is about a nine way stop… put a roundabout in there and call it good.
What does The Great Highway Park mean to you?
It’s been a godsend…. Having somewhere to go to decompress and walk is amazing… It’s been really fantastic.
I would go to work, I would go to school… as soon as I had the opportunity to decompress it would be right to The Great Highway.
It’s really nice to see the neighborhood using this space as a communal backyard.