How often do you use the Great Highway park?
About three times per week.
What activities do you enjoy there?
Just walk… we’re not bike riders, we’re not skateboarders, we just walk.
Would you like the Great Highway to remain partially or totally closed to vehicles?
We would like it entirely closed. This is wonderful! We’ve walked on this little asphalt walkway (indicating a nearby pathway) it’s not good… it’s too crowded. And this (the Great Highway) is wonderful. And the traffic (on Lower Great Highway) I think is doing just fine. I live right in the neighborhood here. Some people I know have an issue with it but I love The Great Highway being open for pedestrians and bicyclists.
We would love it being open (as a park) entirely, if not, then partially… leave the ocean side for pedestrians
What does The Great Highway Park mean to you?
It’s a main thoroughfare in our city and we love being by the ocean. It allows people who maybe don’t live close to the ocean an opportunity to be at the ocean. I think it’s just a beautiful scene, and a way to get outdoors. To be with other people. We love the activities that people engage in, we love watching the kids. We love watching people.. those older than us.
It’s just a great area that represents San Francisco very well…
And it’s flat!! It’s just wonderful…
Everything else has closed, we’d like this to remain open.